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Activity of Light

Aloha Cetacean POD Family!

I write to you from the verdant shores of the beautiful Lake Champlain in Upstate NY. The last few months for me have brought lots of travel. We visited Glastonbury, Merlin's Cave, an 1800 year young Ancient Yew Tree, and did a very special sunrise ceremony right in the center of Stonehenge. While in England we helped receive/facilitate/activate/anchor the Crystalline 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light FrequenSEAS into our body temples, deep into the Grids, and into the Heart Chakra of our Divine Earth Star Mother. On our last day working together, less than 5 miles from where we were in Avebury, the first crop circle of the season appeared (sea(!) photo). Another confirmation we received of the magnitude of what we were able to accomplish together was that rainbows were reported being seen all over the country. I guess it was such a phenomenon it made national news!

During my travels, I'd reach out to listen for the guidance of our Whale & Dolphin Family, and it felt like they were interestingly very distant. What revealed is that it's now time for us to join the Cetaceans as Living Guardians to the New Earth. I realized how all their teachings, high heart frequenSEAS, and wisdom had led to and prepared me/us for what we are now living. We are the Rainbow Bridge and we are consciously creating our Heaven on Earth every moment we choose to power the High Heart FrequenSEAS of loving presence, JOY, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and light. The freedom of that choice is available to us every now moment. Let us give our power to what we prefer and facilitate the manifestation of 5th Dimensional and beyond living and being.

The Whales & Dolphins wanted to share this Activity of Light with ALL of us today. Play, have fun with this, and experience an increase of your LIGHT.

We are being invited to open/ignite/experience the Full Spectrum of our Core Light Essence. Allow your Full Spectrum Core Light Essence within your Heart Center and within every cell of your body to grow brighter and stronger. Feel your Full Spectrum Core Light bless the Sacred Waters of your Body Temple. Then allow your Full Spectrum LIGHT of your Core Essence to shine deep into the Grids of Light connecting with the Crystalline Heart Core of our Mother Gaia. Share and shine your LIGHT with Her. Feel the Grids of Light around you activate/expand/illuminate and quantumly connect all of us together. Feel your Light Codes flow to the Whales and the Dolphins through the Grids. Know you are blessing/uplifting/elevating your Body Temple, the Grids, the Land, and everything around you for the highest and greatest good. Feel the increase of this Light.

Mantra of LIGHT

I radiate the Full Spectrum of my Core Essence Light. May the Sacred Waters in me infinitely bless the Sacred Waters in you.

All the PEACE. All the MAGICAL FrequenSEAS. All the HEAVEN ON EARTH.

All the love. Megan Homan



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Megan Homan’s true gift, beyond being a talented massage therapist and light worker, is her exceptional ability to bring in consciousness, presence, and intention to all of her endeavors.  Her connections are a perfect blend of grounded Earth energy with cosmic frequencies.  Somehow she mixes and draws from all of these energies to create the perfect healing elixir for where you are in your life.  She empowers you to be a more connected and loving soul.  What a gift!

A.H.,Tucson, Az

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